On Fri, 6 Nov 2015, Anthony Walter wrote:

To Debian based Lazarus users, if you have the inclination can you test
this out, or provide some feedback:


Here is a video of the program if you want a better idea of what it does
before you try it:


* Note to testers *

I've written code to enabled system wide hotkey detection which may not
work in environments toolkits where Gtk doesn't own the root window.

I use KDE.

If Super + U (super is the Windows key) doesn't toggle the graphing window
visibility,  please let me know what "echo $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP" returns in
a terminal.

It doesn't toggle, and the value of XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP is KDE.

Please enable sizing/moving (or at least moving) and hiding of the window; it is the first thing I tried to do but it doesn't work.

I also suggest adding a legend to the slider at the bottom.
I had no idea what it was supposed to do.

And lastly, consider adding a context menu on the window, where I can choose 'Quit' or so. It took me some time to realize I had to do this through the toolbar.

The toolbar menu has 'Show the CPU usage graph'. At first sight it didn't do anything, so I thought it would open/close the window. It does not.
Only later I realized it stops the animated graph.

Other than that, nifty tool.


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