On Wed, Dec 02, 2015 at 03:55:17PM +0100, Jy V wrote:
> In my previous answer I forgot to provide permanent disabling Windows
> Defender
> in a command run Regedit.exe
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender
> create a value reg_dword "DisableAntiSpyware" with value "1"
> reboot and Windows Defender will say that it has been disabled by group
> policy editor
> *.*

(that's what I first tried too, and that disables changing the settings yes,
but the next update will turn it on regardlessly, and then the option to
disable the realtimeprotection is that grey, but you can see it is turned
on. There are some more settings to make, search for "nodefender")

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