On 12/14/2015 01:09 PM, Juha Manninen wrote:
On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 7:43 PM,  <wkitt...@windstream.net> wrote:
we're talking about text editors on traditional old school BBSes and offline
readers... the old qedit is one that comes to mind for use with offline
readers though some real masochists used edlin ;)

I thought BBS was made obsolete by e-mails, internet forums and social
media sites. Apparently not.

yup, definitely not... there aren't as many as there used to be, that's very true, but they do still exist... i've got four running here using three different packages and if pressed i could likely dig up addresses for many more... the big thing, today, is that we've been able to use virtual modems which speak old style serial comms on the one side and telnet, vmodem or possibly ssh on the other side... some systems also support rlogin as well as having integrated ftp and web capability...

but, we've drifted way O/T for this thread... this branch only came up because of what i try to do and what i do have to do in certain cases dealing with BBSes and custom utils written for them...

BTW: there is at least one relatively modern BBS written with FPC and i'm aware of at least two others being ported to FPC from TP/BP... there's also at least one ANSI terminal that i think is also done with FPC... it interfaces with SDL2, though, and that's way outside my realm...

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