On 01/21/2016 04:34 PM, Anthony Walter wrote:
Okay Don, that's a valid problem.

I'll look into it and reissue a new bundle for the Pi. I may have been overzealous in removing files from the lazarus folder to squeeze down the size. I'll message you when it's fixed and tested. You'll just need to rerun the setup script and give it the same folder name. The setup will overwrite the entire old copy.

If you ever want to uninstall, just use "rm -rf <folder>" where <folder> was your chosen install location. Nothing aside from one optional desktop launcher file (optionally in $HOME/.local/share/applications/lazarus.desktop) is written outside that folder.

Lazarus mailing list
Great! I had already figured out the rm -rf to remove the new installation.

I understand about the SD squeeze. I ran into that problem at the beginning, too. SD cards are so cheap that I bought a 16 GB card, copied the 8 GB noobs SD to it then resized the partitions. I now have over 12 GB free on /home. :-)

Before I tried installing the old components I tried to set up lazarus so it would run as root (the PI I am working on will never be connected to the net once lazarus is setup, and it needs to be root to debug digital IO). It worked the first time, but after a reboot it kept complaining about not finding system.ppu even though system.ppu was where it was supposed to be. It also suggested that I look at fpc.cfg (which did not change either). Just to be sure, I did the rm -rf and re-ran setup.sh. I had 1.4.4 working by calling startlazarus via sudo, but that route doesn't seem to be available anymore. I did audit file ownership and protections but they seemed correct. Any ideas?

Thanks for the excellent work.


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