On Wed, 21 Dec 2005 20:28:55 +0200
Markku Niskanen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello, 
> I have been trying to create a simple new component just for the
> sake of experience and I MUST be real stupid as I get the following
> backtrace when I try to insert the new component (which has been
> compiled ok) to the form. The component comes from Delphi and
> works just fine there.
> It seems to me as if the TWincontrol needed a parent but as it
> cannot find one simply raises an exception. Before getting into the
> real thing I created the simplest component I can image, it extends
> class TCustomPanel and onPaint it should draw a very short line
> and is totally useless. The Canvas operation Moveto() seems to
> start the chain.
> Any help would be appreciated. I do not mind being called an 
> idiot, either :)
> When I get the first real component done I will document the 
> process and publish it as a starter's tutorial.
> ----- gdb backtrace (running lazarus, dropping component) -----------
> Program received signal SIGFPE, Arithmetic exception.
> $0040dc98 in RAISEGDBEXCEPTION (MSG=$1f95e4c) at LCLProc.pas:594
> (gdb) bt
> #0  $0040dc98 in RAISEGDBEXCEPTION (MSG=$1f95e4c) at LCLProc.pas:594
> #1  $00480f45 in TWINCONTROL__CREATEWND (this=$2216928) at
> wincontrol.inc:4781
> #2  $00480c53 in TWINCONTROL__CREATEHANDLE (this=$2216928)
>     at wincontrol.inc:4723
> #3  $004818ac in TWINCONTROL__HANDLENEEDED (this=$2216928)
>     at wincontrol.inc:5031
> #4  $0047ff73 in TWINCONTROL__GETHANDLE (this=$2216928) at
> wincontrol.inc:4073
> this=$2216928)
>     at wincontrol.inc:5502
> #6  $004788f0 in TCONTROLCANVAS__CREATEHANDLE (this=$2199934)
>     at controlcanvas.inc:90
>     this=$2199934) at canvas.inc:1403
> #8  $004b7a30 in TCANVAS__MOVETO (X1=2, Y1=2, this=$2199934) at
> canvas.inc:1075
> #9  $007c12b1 in TSIMPLELINE__PAINT (this=$2216928) at SimpleLine.pas:49
> #10 $007c127d in TSIMPLELINE__RESIZE (this=$2216928) at SimpleLine.pas:44
> ---------------- /backtrace-------------------------
> ---------------------- unit/component------------------------
> unit SimpleLine;
> {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
> interface
> uses
>   Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, GraphType,Graphics, Controls,
> Forms, Dialogs,
>   ExtCtrls, LResources;
> type
>   TSimpleLine = class(TCustomPanel)
>   private
>     { Private declarations }
>   protected
>     { Protected declarations }
>   public
>     { Public declarations }
>     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
>     procedure Paint; override;
>     procedure Resize; override;
>   published
>     property OnResize;
>     { Published declarations }
>   end;
> procedure Register;
> implementation
> procedure Register;
> begin
>   RegisterComponents('Misc',[TSimpleLine]);
> end;
> constructor TSimpleLine.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
> begin
>   inherited;
> end;
> procedure TSimpleLine.Resize;
> begin
>   inherited;
>   paint();
> end;

Don't call paint in Resize. This will be done automatically.

> // --------- this is where it all starts -----------------------
> procedure TSimpleLine.paint() ;
> begin
>   Canvas.Moveto(2,2);
>   Canvas.Lineto(4,4);
> end;
> end.          


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