>>       * getting an icon would require someting like:
>> IDEImageToImageList(MyImageList , iiDocumentOpen);
> IDEImageToImageList sounds as if an IDE image is converted to an
> Imagelist.
> What does it do?

It's now superseeded by this function:

function GetIDEImage(ImageType: TIDEImageTypeSet): TBitmap;

It's a more pragmatic approach of what you are suggesting (TImageList
descendant), but it's a start. To be honest I was thinking of doing the
same as you suggest, but I don't have the time nor the knowledge to
properly implement this.

I have a fully working "implementation" that I'm glad to share. If you
want I can send a zip of it to you or the list or anyone else interest.

How does it work?

- add an entry to ideimage.xml "<Item1 Size="22x22"
Path="\tango-icon-theme\22x22\apps" FileName="accessories-text-editor.xpm"
Class="apps" Enum="iiAccessoriesTextEditor22x22"/>"
- update the indexcount in ideimages.xml
- create all resourcefiles by running ideres executable
- start using the iiAccessoriesTextEditor22x22 in Lazarus

> Create a new image list, but instead of an integer Index, using strings as
> identifiers for the images.
> The string image list can register themselves, so that you can access
> globally with paths like 'IDE/DocumentOpen'.
> Add a new published property 'ImagePath: string' to TSpeedButton, TBitBtn,
> TMenuItem.
> Add a property editor for this new property.
> This way you can assign the icons in the designer.
Only thing I would like to add to your suggestion is to use
TIDEImageTypeSet instead of strings to identify an image. Think of it
analogue to resourcestrings (think hard ;).
The last suggestion youu make is to assign the icons at designtime right?
But that would be for projects not for the IDE I suppose. One thing I'm
not sure of is that if you change at designtime then you must be sure that
changes are globally. That is why I use an XML file and create
resourcefiles from it that are linked in the binary.


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