> You can compile your self, the project is in:
> lazarus/examples/turbopower_ipro.

I thought I did test this example. At least it is not the same comparing

> mmm, probably I did a small change but it should not affect
> rendering, anyway, I can send you both source code and binaries for
> gtk1 and gtk2 but it will be an attachment of about 7.5MB. If it's ok
> tell me.

It is OK with me. Do you have any ftp server to upload it? This would be
very convenient.

> As a side note, when using gtk2 there are some messages about:
> "Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to
> pango_layout_set_text()", also I tried to open the html file with
> kate, i'm not completly sure but I think it should understand UTF-8
> but it didn't show greek characters correctly, only when I
> especifically set the charset encoding to iso-8859-7 or cp1253 it
> showed greek chars correctly (I guess)

I can't undestand it, display utf-8 text setting iso codepage? This is
only explained if it is converted by ipHTMLPanel. By the way I tried to
convert utf text (utf8toansi()) before display but had no luck.

Regards, Panagiotis

Στις 20-02-2006, ημέρα Δευ, και ώρα 13:59 -0600, ο/η Jesus Reyes έγραψε:
>  --- Ðáíáãéþôçò Óéäçñüðïõëïò <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> > I was sure that I've posted on the list the two screenshot, one for
> > correct display and one for false, sorry. Please use following urls
> > to
> > check samples. Now, I notice that when replying to your message
> > sent in
> > the list I believe, "Reply To" field is filled with your own email
> > address and not list's address. This should happen on my previous
> > replies. I can say why. This can be explained only if you sent your
> > reply directly to me. I changed it to list's address by my own.
> I don't know what happened too, I usually only click "reply" and
> replies are directed to the ml. But with your previous msg and this
> one too, the field "to" is set to your personal address, so I will
> put also a cc to the ml.
> >  
> > - http://www.magentadb.gr/ftp/sample-correct.png
> > - http://www.magentadb.gr/ftp/sample-problem.png
> > 
> > Both are taken on Linux Knopell (Knopix localized descentant).
> > 
> > About your samples:
> > 
> > Greek characters are missing on all samples. I'm not sure if this
> > is
> > because of the file or of the fonts on your system. For example, 
> > 
> > IE5 sample seem correct except squares on characters missed in the
> > font
> > used. Font declared in sample file is Arial.
> > 
> > firefox 1.0.7 sample seem like a browser problem, ? symbol in every
> > non-latin character position.
> > 
> > opera 8.5.1 sample is a proper display result but greek characters
> > are
> > missed from the font.
> > 
> > tpipro gtk1 sample seem to be a correct display but again with
> > Greek
> > characters missed from the font. If you compare it to my
> > screenshots you
> > will realize that it is totally different. Could I test this
> > program?
> > can you please send it both as executable and as source in order to
> > check if my compilation produces a similar executable? I believe
> > that
> > this will work on my system with proper fonts.
> > 
> > tpipro gtk2 sample, I'm not sure for anything.
> > 
> You can compile your self, the project is in:
> lazarus/examples/turbopower_ipro.
> mmm, probably I did a small change but it should not affect
> rendering, anyway, I can send you both source code and binaries for
> gtk1 and gtk2 but it will be an attachment of about 7.5MB. If it's ok
> tell me.
> As a side note, when using gtk2 there are some messages about:
> "Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to
> pango_layout_set_text()", also I tried to open the html file with
> kate, i'm not completly sure but I think it should understand UTF-8
> but it didn't show greek characters correctly, only when I
> especifically set the charset encoding to iso-8859-7 or cp1253 it
> showed greek chars correctly (I guess)
> > I really appreiciate time spent to check my request and help me.
> > 
> > Regards, Panagiotis
> > 
> > 
> > ΣÏ&#8222;ιÏ&#8218; 20-02-2006, ημέÏ&#65533;α
> Î&#8221;εÏ&#8230;, και Ï&#381;Ï&#65533;α 12:26 -0600,
> > ο/η Jesus Reyes έγÏ&#65533;αÏ&#710;ε:
> > >  --- Ã&#65533;áíáãéþôçò Ã&#8220;éäçñüðïõëïò
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> > > 
> > > > I create html files and display through ipHTMLPanel component.
> > > > Non latin text into html file is stored is utf-8 encoded.
> > > > I can load such files on konquaror but I can't properly display
> > in
> > > > ipHTMLPanel. You can download a sample html file demostrating
> > this
> > > > problem.
> > > > 
> > > > Sample html file:
> > > > - http://www.magentadb.gr/ftp/sample-html.htm
> > > > 
> > > > Your help would be most appreiciated.
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > Can you put somewhere a screenshot on what the sample page should
> > > look?, I tried 3 browsers with 3 different results and then 2
> > > screenshots of tpipro: gtk1 and gtk2 at the moment I can't test
> > in
> > > windows.
> > > 
> > > ie5: http://mx.geocities.com/jesusrmx/lazarus/images/ie5.png
> > > firefox 1.0.7:
> > > http://mx.geocities.com/jesusrmx/lazarus/images/firefox107.png
> > > opera 8.5.1:
> > > http://mx.geocities.com/jesusrmx/lazarus/images/opera851.png
> > > tpipro gtk1:
> > > http://mx.geocities.com/jesusrmx/lazarus/images/tpipro_gtk1.png
> > > tpipro gtk2:
> > > http://mx.geocities.com/jesusrmx/lazarus/images/tpipro_gtk2.png
> > > 
> > > any comments?
> > > 
> > > Jesus Reyes A.
> > > 
> > > 
> > >   
> > >   
> > >           
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