On Wednesday 15 March 2006 13:36, Panagiotis Sidiropoulos wrote:
> Additionaly to my original post, this query is executed under Linux
> using sqldb components TSQLQuery, TSQLtransaction and
> TMySQL41Connection. If any additional information is required please
> just task.
> Στις 15-03-2006, ημέρα Τετ, και ώρα 21:14 +0000, ο/η Panagiotis
> Sidiropoulos έγραψε:
> > I use following code to update a table. Connection is succesfuly carried
> > out and before this, Select statement executed succesfuly. Problem is
> > that this statement is not accepted. I checked this same statement
> > through an MySQL client and it was executed properly. Can anyone please
> > advise?
> >
> > SQLQuery.Close;
> > SQLQuery.SQL.Clear;
> > SQLQuery.SQL.Add( 'update `ids-aa`' );
> > SQLQuery.SQL.Add( 'set `ids-licenses-left`=1' );
> > SQLQuery.SQL.Add( 'where `ids-internet-id`="aa-123456789012345678"' );
> > showmessage( SQLQuery.SQL.Text );
> > SQLQuery.Open;
> >
> > I also tested this statement a one line setting this to .text property.
> >
> > Panagiotis

First is 'aa' a variable that you are attempting to pass?
Also I believe you do not need all the quotes.
sqlquery.text ='update ids-aa set ids-licenses-left = 1 where ids-internet-id 
=aa - 123456789012345678'.  Of couse I don't know what  'aa' is all about.

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