It is not my intention being irritating, on the contrary. Composing this
post I thought that subject was describing the problem, focusing on the
SQL statement syntax and not to the code. I apologise. Your answer gives
me the impression that you are tired reading this kind of not well
described posts from me. I do not feel this is true, I only had another
such comment once at the past in a case not more information was
available than provided.

What I can promise is to try harder and read url with directions
suggested. I also ask you to be patient in such cases, you see it is an
international meeting point at which people with different cultures meet
communicating in English, not mother language for many of us.

So, please let me provide full code. While executing, code exit at .open
point. Trying a test SELECT statement it is OK. If you can think
anythink to direct me where to search it would be most helpful to me. 

// update ID data
function mgspsUpdateIDData: integer;
   nLicensesLeft: integer;
   cCustID: string;

     // update
     nLicensesLeft :=
SQLQuery.FieldByName( 'ids-licenses-left' ).AsInteger - 1;
     cCustID := SQLQuery.FieldByName( 'ids-internet-id' ).AsString;
     SQLQuery.SQL.Add( 'update `ids-aa`' );
     SQLQuery.SQL.Add( ' set `ids-licenses-left`=1' );
     SQLQuery.SQL.Add( ' where
`ids-internet-id`="aa-123456789012345678"' );

     Result := MGSPS_ALL_OK;

> An why all these quotes arount the field names? Does that even compile?

These quotes are necessary maybe because of field names form, dash
character is used separating parts of names making these more readable.
I tried it without quotes and had dificulties. This way works fine, I
have Select statements executed normally but not this Update which I
think is in a general accepted form.

As I wrote on my complementary reply, this is running on Linux using
SQLDB components and MySQL database server. 


Στις 15-03-2006, ημέρα Τετ, και ώρα 20:27 +0100, ο/η Joost van der Sluis
> This is gettig irritating.
> 'statement is not accepted'
> Is that the error message? 'statement not accepted' You can't expect us
> to keep answering this kind of questions.
> An why all these quotes arount the field names? Does that even compile?
> And read this, before you sent another question:
> On Wed, 2006-03-15 at 21:14 +0000, Panagiotis Sidiropoulos wrote:
> > I use following code to update a table. Connection is succesfuly carried
> > out and before this, Select statement executed succesfuly. Problem is
> > that this statement is not accepted. I checked this same statement
> > through an MySQL client and it was executed properly. Can anyone please
> > advise?
> >   
> > SQLQuery.Close;
> > SQLQuery.SQL.Clear;
> > SQLQuery.SQL.Add( 'update `ids-aa`' );
> > SQLQuery.SQL.Add( 'set `ids-licenses-left`=1' );
> > SQLQuery.SQL.Add( 'where `ids-internet-id`="aa-123456789012345678"' );
> > showmessage( SQLQuery.SQL.Text );
> > SQLQuery.Open;
> > 
> > I also tested this statement a one line setting this to .text property.
> > 
> > Panagiotis
> > 
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