Alright Michael. The fact is that there is tables
that have TIMESTAMP columns with more than 3
digits of fraction... I'm trying to say that I
think that you can't ignore it with simplicity. Or can you?
I trying to explain since this discussion starts
that, at least, Lazarus/FPC can be able to handle
6 digits of fraction. Otherwise in can't process
tables generated from some other languages(cobol,
for example). Or you can create a Lazarus/FPC TIMESTAMP version.... :-[
[ ]
At 11:51 4/4/2006, you wrote:
On Tue, 4 Apr 2006, Arí Ricardo Ody wrote:
At 11:15 4/4/2006, you wrote:
To avoid all these issues, we use TDatetime, with less space.
But have no seconds fraction. We'll be back to
the old question: How do I do with fractions of
seconds that can be INSERTed by other
languages??? How do I generate the fraction from Lazarus/FPC?
1/1000-s of a second can be inserted.
More digits are meaningless.
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