On Fri, 14 Apr 2006, Jon Foster wrote:

> Are the SQL DB components supposed to be functional? I've tried using
> TMySQLConnection and TPQConnection with the associated TSQLTransaction
> and TSQLQuery attached through a datasource to a data grid.
> The TMySQLConnection always says, "Server connect failed" when I try to
> make a query active. When I set the connection's "Active" property to
> true in the designer everything is fine. The message only shows when I
> try to make a query, connected to the "active" connection, active.

That is because for each query, a new 'native' connection is started.
Probably there is some limitation to your MySQL installation ?

I worked with the TMySQLConnection last week, and all went well.

> The TPQConnection almost works. It appeared I could add things by
> entering data in the columns and tabbing down. Then when I tried to move
> back up a row it dies with an "access violation". None of the records I
> entered ever hit the database.
> I've updated my Lazarus install via SVN today. The problems persist.

Did you also upgrade the FPC ? Because that's where the SQLDB component
sources are. There have been some bugfixes in MySQL lately.

> I
> really would like to ditch Kylix/Delphi but I need functional DB access
> to either MySQL or PostgreSQL. I would prefer MySQL. Are there other
> components that would allow me to create data driven applications?

The version in SVN (the link was posted here not so long time ago)
should have good support for PostGres and MySQL.

However, using MySQL with pascal applications is not recommended.
At the first MySQL upgrade, you may find that none of your apps
do not work any more because the API has changed; And there will
be nothing you can do about it except wait till someone fixed
the pascal interface.

It's recommended to use Postgres or Firebird, they have a more stable API.


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