> > Does Apache Server work on Windows CE? So I shouldn't use Apache for a 
> > webserver, just
> > because it isn't truly "cross-platform"? Sometimes people get carried away 
> > with the
> > whole cross platform advantage - when really there would be no advantage of 
> > having
> Dude, you are missing the point completely!!
> > Apache run on Windows CE. I don't know why anyone would write or read 
> > documents
> > on a small Windows CE computer. Maybe if you are on an airplane and you 
> > only have
> > your GameBoy with you - how will you read the Docs?
> Windows CE is just like any other platform!! Windows, Linux or OS X.
> Just because it's a small form factor makes no difference. Loads of
> people make a living writing software for the PDA market.  I have
> helped develop a Time Sheet software package for a 2000+ employees
> company in the UK,  and yes the application needed a help file (as
> does any good software application)!  Why may the PDA market not have
> help files?????  It is a software application that should be shipped
> with help.

You are right - I thought we were purely talking about the documentation for 
the FP
compiler and the Lazarus IDE itself. When I am a developer I usually have a 
monitor and would never ever read freepascal compiler documentation on a 
Windows CE
computer or Lazarus Documentation. If we are talking about a generic help 
system for
applications that are generated with Lazarus - then it is a different story. 
like I pointed out - SQLite does appear to be available for Windows CE - so my 
doesn't change. But then again, I'm not really advocating SQLite - it would be 
nice to use
a Pascal based help system.

What I'm mainly trying to point out is that if we are going to be doing 
indexing and
sorting, are we not reinventing the database - since databases do all these 
things for us?
Why would we want to index XML files if we can dump the content into the 
database and have
it indexed for us by the database? In otherwords - does the developer really 
want to spend
time reinventing an indexing system when someone has already done that for us 
in the
database? In some cases, we must reinvent a bit in order to have a nice custom 
So would everyone please point out the reasons we cannot make use of a database 
and why we
really need to invent our own help database - if there are plenty of databases 
out there.

Also - will the custom database solution like CHM (I consider CHM basically a 
of a database - a custom one) be web ready? i.e. can I upload the CHM file to 
the internet
and create a web program that allows users to search the documents on my 
website?  With a
real database you can upload your help documents to a web server and create a 
web program
that searches your docs. Then your company will get much more promotion if your 
help files
are online in addition to you offering an off-line doc system.

So can CHM be searched, indexed, etc. online on the web, too - and not just 
offline? with
several people querying it at once? I think CHM is mainly designed for one 
person querying
With a real database I would ship a small embedded database to the user - which 
one user
can query comfortably.  But then use a full fledged firebird/mysql style 
database on the
web server to serve the docs to hundreds of people. Can CHM some how be 
uploaded to
the web and have multiple people querying it with reasonable speed? Or must a 
database be used? If a real database must be used - it means that you will then 
have to
convert that CHM file to a real database anyway - so you now have double the 
instead of just using a database in the first place.

Are there enough advantages of NOT using a database. That's what needs to be

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