On 5/19/06, Arí Ricardo Ody <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Suppose computer is doing a long processing.
Then, someone that can copies some information
that is available only during this processing,
tries to interrupt the processing. I want to
detect this and delete the privileged
information(that otherwise would be encripted ->
sources of a interpreted language).


My feeling is that deleting that information when the program is
killed would only partially solve the problem , and would only
give a false feeling of security.  For instance:
- since it's a long-running operation,   it might be possible to
 copy the sensitive information before the processing ends ?
 (we are talking about some temporary files , right ? )
- someone might run the program inside a debugger,  and stop the
 execution of the program just before the privileged information
 is deleted   - giving that person enough time to inspect
 all the secrets.

Perhaps it would be better to keep that information in memory in some
kind of buffer ?  that memory would be freed after the application is
killed ;       (again - i'm assuming that you are currently storing  the
information in some temporary files).

Adrian Maier

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