> I Delphi (V6 open edition) the speedbuttons have a border. When I place a
> speedbutton on a panel I cannot see the text "Panel1" through the
> speedbutton although the transparancy is set true (changing this to false
> doesn't change this. Delphi bug?). The appearence is the same at
> design-time and at runtime.
> Attachment shows how it looks in Delphi

Maybe at design time transparency and flat are disabled.
Please run the program under Delphi.

At run-time the speedbuttons have the same behaviour.

I show some screenshots. Note that when transparacy is true and the mouse is over the button (runtime only) the borders are visible (2) otherwise  the borders are invisible.

I hope those screenshots  will help .
I only tested this in Windows of course.

Greetings, Marien

Attachment: speedbuttons-panel-delphi-runtime.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: speedbuttons-panel-lazarus-designtime-transparacy-false.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: speedbuttons-panel-lazarus-designtime-transparancy-true.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: speedbuttons-panel-lazarus-runtime-transparancy false.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: speedbuttons-panel-lazarus-runtime-transparancy true-1.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: speedbuttons-panel-lazarus-runtime-transparancy true-2.png
Description: PNG image

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