On Saturday 20 May 2006 05:46, Zlatko Matić wrote:
> Activities around making free open-source alternative to MS .NET (Mono,
> dotGNU) and Visual Studio .NET (MonoDevelop,SharpDevelop) are very
> intensive and rapidly aproaches to the final goal.
> With recent incuding of Stetic, It is easy to forseen that MonoDevelop will
> soon become visual RAD tool comparable to Visual Studio. Also, it will
> probably be working on Windows too, in some not very distant future.
> SharpDevelop, with its support for Windows Forms, is  even now completely
> functional and is great alternative to Visual Studio on Windows platform.
> With it's support for Mono and GTK# it will probably evolve to
> cross-platform RAD tool.
> So, my questions is whether Lazarus can compete MonoDevelop and
> SharpDevelop in the era of .NET in both WIndows and Linux?
> Will Lazarus face similar fate like Delphi?
> Just for thinking, not for arguing...
I think you bring up a very valid point.  But it is based on the assumption 
the founders and current leaders want to compete.  I doubt they (the founders 
and current leaders) care if Mono becomes the RAD of choice. 

I come with a different point of view to Lazarus.  I want to build projects 
that first feed my family and second please my sense of right.  I still work 
with windows products that feed my family but I see the future as Linux.  I 
also see Linux feeding my sense of good.  So I wanted a Linux programming 
environment that offered similar experiences to my current environment and 
allowed me to contribute.  Lazarus fits perfectly for now.  But I see the 
hand writting on the wall.  

Mono could easily over shadow Lazarus in the next few months.  First Mono has 
funding.  Second it has a very large following.  And third the Mono community 
take the project very seriously.  Side note: Many of the Mono community just 
hate windows.  I recently noticed a thread on the Lazarus mailing list 
suggesting that the Pascal compiler support different languages.  Mono 
already does it.  I read many comments on how the IDE should support GTK2.  
Mono does it and has a GUI builder.  

So your point is valid but in the end does it matter?  BTW Mono has issues 
too.  It does not compile into a stand alone executable.  The support lib's 
are very big.  Just to name two.


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