Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
Martin Smat wrote:

If I understand it well, you can now see all menus, submenus and the
menu items but after selecting the item it does not process any action?
Then there must be also some message processing problem. I will take a
look on it if I find something.

'Fraid so. Context (right-click) editor menu is OK. Didn't get to test things
like the TMainMenu property editor for obvious reasons.

This problem seems to be caused by extended MENUITEMINFO structure in the development version of FPC 2.1.1. This structure is not backward compatible with older Windows versions (95, NT4). To be more precise: assigning the structure size into the "cbSize" parameter is the place that makes the structure unusable by older Windows.
MenuInfo.cbSize := sizeof(MENUITEMINFO);
The structure MENUITEMINFO contains in the development version of FPC new parameter "hbmpItem" making this structure larger then expected by Windows.
Any ideas how to solve it?


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