On Fri, 2006-09-01 at 19:19 +0200, Mattias Gaertner wrote:

> I've done that... inherit from TScrollingWinControl that is.  The
> check register component in CheckBook Tracker used that method.  I
> needed a scrolling win control, but needed the scrollbar to handle
> many thousands of entries, and I wanted to custom draw the entire of
> the window based on the scroll position.  The default component
> always sized the scrollbar wrong, and wouldn't truly scroll from zero
> to the end - it would never go to the edges of the range.

Maybe this because of the 32767 limit?

Well, there was that too, but even before that I ran into glitches.  Of course let's remember I wrote that... wow, 3 years ago.  Things may have changed a bit since then.

I ended up doing my own descendant of TCustomScrollingWinControl, copying across much of the original implementation, and screwing with the scrollbars by manually overriding the messages.


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