Am Dienstag, den 16.01.2007, 10:16 +0200 schrieb Dave Coventry:

> Oops.
> This is possibly the crux of my problem.
> CoLinux cannot access any of the hardware on the machine, so I use a 
> Virtual Desktop called Xming which acts as a VNC client similar to TightVNC.
> So I don't actually have X11 installed. Which could be a problem.
> My wheeze using the ebuild version of lazarus-0.9.12 also failed:
> * You need to build dev-lang/fpc with the 'source' USE flag
> * in order for lazarus to work properly
> !!! ERROR: dev-lang/lazarus-0.9.12 failed.

Set the 'source' USE flag for FPC. You can set this globaly
in /etc/make.conf or esp. for FPC by:
    echo "dev-lang/fpc source" >> /etc/portage/package.use
This USE flag indicates for packages, that they shall install the
(Read the Gentoo Handbook. USE flags are one of the base technics of
Portage and this technic should be one of the reasons for using Gentoo.)

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