On 1/17/07, Mattias Gaertner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Using Code Completion (pressing Ctrl-Space) in the interface section
> of a class, so I can override a method, formats the code incorrectly.
> I have Lazarus's "CodeTools Options -> Space tab" setup to not include
> any spaces in front of elements. No checkboxes are checked in the
> "Insert space in front of" groupbox.

What about Insert Space after?

For "Insert space after" I only have Colon, SemiColon and Comma checked.

Does the 'preview' in the options dialog show these spaces?
(Environment -> CodeTools options -> Spaces -> Preview)

The 'preview' window is correct.  What in generated for Class
Completion is different to the preview.

> Problem #2:
> Another problems, is that it doesn't put the 'override' keyword at
> the end!

This is not yet implemented.

No problem.

Yes. At the moment 'class completion' does not search/read the ancestor
class, so it can't know.

Thanks for the info...  I'll had the last two as feature requests to Mantis

Graeme Geldenhuys

There's no place like S34° 03.168'  E018° 49.342'

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