Burkhard Carstens wrote:
Am Mittwoch, 31. Januar 2007 19:29 schrieb Mattias Gaertner:
On Wed, 31 Jan 2007 16:39:42 +0100

Burkhard Carstens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Am Donnerstag, 18. Januar 2007 19:43 schrieb Mattias Gaertner:
On Thu, 18 Jan 2007 18:35:46 +0100

Burkhard Carstens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'd like to build a lazarus rpm containing all the components,
I need (BigIDE + indy, glscene).

Before diving into the rpm building trouble, I first try to
figure out, how I could install a package into lazarus without
using the ide.

With lazbuild, I can compile the package, which is fine. But
how can I recompile lazarus to include the package?
Do I have to deal with idemake.cfg and staticpackages.inc

For my special needs, I could of course create the correct
files and do a "make ide -w OPT=@/etc/lazarus/idemake.cfg" but
a commandline tool (or switch for lazbuild), that enables
installation/uninstallation of packages would be really
helpfull. So the question: Is there allready some (hidden)
feature to do this?
No, there is none yet.
You have to fiddle with idemake.cfg and staticpackages.inc (easy
for one package, but not flexible) or extend lazbuild (difficult,
but flexible).
I'd like to test the "easy" way first, but there are problems with
staticpackages, even when not fiddling with it:

Fist goal is to re-compile lazarus having previously installed
packages included.

(i386-linux, suse 10.0 / own linuxfromscratch with rpms)
* fpc is installed globally (/usr/local/) incl. indy-fpc
* lazarus installed in home (~/FreePascal/lazarus)
* indy is in home (~/FreePascal/indy/lazarus)
* glscene in home (~/FreePascal/gscene)
* lazarus is running with bigide, indy and glscene installed. All
components on the palette.

Now when I remove the lazarus folder, get a fresh svn co, do a
"make clean all bigide",
bigide ignores user settings and compiles a static set of packages.
'make idepkg' compiles with user settings.

start lazarus, it does not show my previously
installed packages. I have to open one of the packages (doesn't
matter if indy or glscene) and click "install". Now it compiles all
the packages and on restart everything is fine.
This is 'make idepkg'.

Yea, that works, if all packages have been compiled before.

So for the records:
in a clean lazarus checkout, doing
* make all bigide
* ./lazbuild -B ../indy/lazarus/indylaz.lpk
* ./lazbuild -B ../glscene/LazarusLin/glscenelazarus.lpk
* make idepkg

gives me a fresh ide containig all my previously installed packages.

Very nice, thanks.

Now heading for the next step: getting this done on a fresh system, i.e. without the allready existing ~/.lazarus/* Then finally try to create a lazarus rpm containing these additional components.


That is very interesting, Burkhard. Please keep us updated on your progress.


Warm Regards,


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