when i try to use the "Text" property in the edit control as the text
in a MessageDlg function, it gives me a "Bus error or misaligned data
access" error.

i tracked this down to be the FreeMem(tmpWideStr) call in the
GetControlText function.  it makes sense to me to use the
SysFreeString function when you've used SysAllocStringLen - and when i
changed this to SysFreeString(tmpWideStr), it started working.  can
any wince geniuses confirm this?

this is on line 1135 in winceproc.pp.

i'd just like to quote an hilariously vague line out of msdn:

"Passing invalid (and under some circumstances NULL) pointers to this
function causes an unexpected termination of the application."

this is on the SysAllocStringLen page - a function which is supposed
to be able to handle a null param...


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