Vincent Snijders wrote:
Graeme Geldenhuys schreef:
On 5/6/07, Michael Van Canneyt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

TControl non visual ?? How is that ? TLabel or TImage are very visual...
Non-windowed, you mean ?

Ah ok, I got it mixed up.  :-)

Either way, the LCL still has the Color property as 'public' instead
of 'protected'.

An advantage of having it public, is that you can pass a TControl to the widget interface and it can access the Color property without resorting to cast to decendants. I don't know if this technique is actually used though.

There are several properties where this feature would be welcome, eg tcustomedit.text, tcustomcheckbox.checked, but you can use the following workaround when necessary:

  tcustomeditfriend = class(tcustomedit);


tcustomeditfriend(edit).edit := 'value';

Joao Morais

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