One thing I dislike is the poor abstract implementation. I don't see
one good reason to let abstract class be instantiated...

As for records with methods, they are required for

I think they have just translated it to "native" delphi

They seems to have their uses, following is a copy/paste from borland newsgroup:


"Iain Macmillan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
There are cases where a record is as good or better
than a class.  There are more cases where a record
with methods is as good or better than a class.
Well, there must be. Or why would Borland have
bothered to implement records with methods..

Iain,  You seem to be in doubt.  Records, especially
packed records, with methods are very different than
classes, when it comes to making the data content
persist over time or place.  I can think of several
important differences:
(1) Records can be packed into arrays in RAM or in
storage, and moved quickly between.
(2) Records need no appended pointer to a VMT or
appended length value.
(3) Stored records can be used, with programmer
care,  directly between different programs or
versions of the same program.
(4) Records may be more difficult to use than
class objects if the usage only within the same
Rgds, JohnH

Yeah, there are plenty of cases where you don't need the ability to
override anything and you don't have the overhead of a class this way.

I still use the old OBJECT structure sometimes simply to get a record
with methods.

Vianney Devreese - Lepidosteus

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