On Sun, 10 Jun 2007, Arí Ricardo Ody wrote:

> I develop a program in what from an initial form a execute 2 other programs.
> Both other access a Firebird database. I put a TIBConnection.connected := true
> in the Form.Crate of the executed programs and everything's ok 'till I try to
> close the application. When I click the "Exit" button the Application doesn't
> ends... Considering that there are no databases in the first form/program,
> what do I do to force the application ends when I execute the Self.Close in
> the first Form?
> If I run the same application using a local database(a database existing in
> the HD of the machime where the application is running) everything's OK. The
> trouble is occurring with databases contained in other computer(a server of a
> win XP network).
> The final users must ends te application via task manager or manual closing.
> They are claiming a lot.

Do you explicitly disconnect the database too before closing the form ?


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