On Tue, 31 Jul 2007, David Lyon wrote:

> Hi all,
> Recently, my customers have taken me into the world of Python....
> After initial doubts I have come to see how nice that language is.... :-)
> But this isn't a python-sales talk.....
> Just suggesting that python isn't so different from object pascal.
> If somebody hasn't thought of "ripping" the nice features of python into
> fpc, then they seriously should start looking at it.
> Lets look at some similarities:
> Object Oriented : Python = Yes, FPC = Yes
> Has Strings :        Python = Yes, FPC = Yes
> Multiplatform:      Python = Yes, FPC = Yes
> Both are used for similar jobs, aimed at similar markets (corporate users ?
> who need cross platform capability). So python and fpc are really competitors.
> Python has some really nice advantages... but not so many.
> Python is a "rip" of all the good stuff from all the other languages.
> I really suggest that somebody looks at what python "goodies" can
> reasonably be implemented within fpc.
> Like, dictionaries, queues, ftplib, smtplib, regex and not much more
> than that....

These exist, they have nothing to do with the language, but are simply
libraries which are distributed by default.

> I get the impression that Codegear are planning to drop delphi at some
> point.. moving to php etc... But with some (significant) library
> changes.. (like some of those already in place).... I think that
> lazarus/fpc could go on to the next level....
> After usine python, one thing i like is the speed. Interpreted is great.
> But hey ? we have Delphi-Web-Script (DWS2) also... how nice to be able to
> fpcionise DWS to support fpc syntax.
> That way, we wouldn't have to go on holidays while we are compiling.
> So in summary, here are my suggestions:
>  - introduce pythonic libraries for ftp smtp dictionaries and
>    all the other stuff that python does so very nicely.

They exist: Indy, Synapse, ICS, LNet. Dictionaries (or haslists) are
in contnrs.

>  - port over DelphiWebScript to support FPC syntax. So that
>    now we have a really quick development environment.

DWS is old and outdated; Remobjects pascalscript compiles with
FPC and is much stronger.

>  - provide pythonic level xml support (achievable via classes)

This exists. Sax, XPath, DOM. What more do you need ?


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