
Python has great support for arrays and dictionaries as part of the
language. To me that is a great feature. I agree that the rest of it is just
libraries that can just be included in your application.

As I read the first email, I thought of Jython: a python interpretor written
in Java. The result is you can write python scripts and run it in your Java
program. You can even translate python sources into Java sources. Because of
this most of the python library is available to you in Java. Frankly, in
Java I don't see too much use in this since the Java libraries are so huge,
but it could be of benefit for freepascal.

Has anybody thought about writing a python interpretor in Pascal? Could call
it FPCython, or freepascython. ;-) This would add the great array and
dictionary features to a pascal app, as well as add a good scripting
platform to use in your FPC apps.

...Just a thought.

On 7/31/07, Bee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Lets look at some similarities:
> > Object Oriented : Python = Yes, FPC = Yes
> > Has Strings :     Python = Yes, FPC = Yes
> > Multiplatform:    Python = Yes, FPC = Yes
> I believe it's not as simple as that. You can also list lots of
> similarities
> between pascal with other languages (C++, VB, C#, etc, you mention it).
> But it
> doesn't mean pascal have to be like other languages. Somehow I found that
> other
> languages that look at pascal, study the advantages, and provide the good
> features on their own syntax. You could observe them on Java and C#.
> > Both are used for similar jobs, aimed at similar markets (corporate
> > users ? who need cross platform capability). So python and fpc are
> > really competitors. Python has some really nice advantages... but not so
> > many.
> I love pascal. But I see for myself that most corporate users would choose
> Java
> for cross platform capability due its large user/community base and the
> big boy
> who stand back it up behind. Both pascal and python, despite their great
> technologies, are still on the niche market.
> > I get the impression that Codegear are planning to drop delphi at some
> > point.. moving to php etc... But with some (significant) library
> > changes.. (like some of those already in place).... I think that
> > lazarus/fpc could go on to the next level....
> I love using pascal, as long as FPC still in active development, I don't
> really
> much care anymore about CodeGear/Borland.
> > After usine python, one thing i like is the speed. Interpreted is great.
> For small to medium scale usage, perhaps interpreted language is fast
> enough.
> PHP is a very good example too. But soon you got large scale usage, you
> would
> have a new perspective about native application. ;)
> > But hey ? we have Delphi-Web-Script (DWS2) also... how nice to be able
> > to fpcionise DWS to support fpc syntax.
> DWS is outdated and no longer in active development. Maybe this
> application
> might interest you a little bit...
> http://z505.com/videos/powtils/compile-studio/z505.htm ;)
> > That way, we wouldn't have to go on holidays while we are compiling.
> How big is your application till you could go on holidays during the
> compilation? I believe it if you're compiling large C source. But, pascal
> won't
> take that long. :P
> > Like, dictionaries, queues, ftplib, smtplib, regex and not much more
> > than that....
> It's about library, not about language. You can find those libraries you
> need on
> FPC/Lazarus wiki. You can even utilize Delphi libraries (class/vcl) using
> without or with (little) modifications.
> > So in summary, here are my suggestions:
> >  - introduce pythonic libraries for ftp smtp dictionaries and
> >    all the other stuff that python does so very nicely.
> >  - port over DelphiWebScript to support FPC syntax. So that
> >    now we have a really quick development environment.
> >  - provide pythonic level xml support (achievable via classes)
> Again, they're all about libraries. Please dig the FPC/Lazarus wiki and
> FPC's
> contributed unit section, you'll find lots of useful libraries.
> -Bee-
> has Bee.ography at:
> http://beeography.wordpress.com
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"See first, think later, then test. But always see first. Otherwise you will
only see what you were expecting. Most scientists forget that." - Douglas

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