On Thu, 16 Aug 2007, David Lyon wrote:

> Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> > As far as I'm concerned, this is an absolute must for inclusion in Lazarus
> > by default. It would ensure that lazarus covers all areas of modern
> > development. (if such a thing exists...)
> >   
> When I made my "modern" comment, I actually meant it with students in mind.
> Who sometimes hear that pascal is an "old" language.
> So saying "modern" implies that it is like Python or C# or Java etc..
> Having XML/RPC/Webservices inbuilt would be a good step.....

None of the languages you mention have XML/RPC/Webservices "inbuilt".
They do provide libraries for these techniques. It would be good to 
point this out if people comment on features of a 'language'.

Most people seem to confuse the language with the libraries that provide

With WST, FPC/lazarus now offers libraries for all areas of modern development.

> The other big issue, something that delphi suffers from bigtime, is
> package-management.
> Having worked with Perl, they really do a wonderful job of package management.
> That is, if you want say, a ups library, type in "ppm search ups". It gives
> you a list of modules. To install one, you say "install 2" (install the second
> module on the list). Bingo, it now works....

This is exactly what fppkg (see the packaging thread in fpc-devel) is meant to 

It is in it's early stages, but all building blocks are there to make
something equal to or better than CPAN.

Any help with it's development is appreciated.


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