Marco van de Voort wrote:
Define "load". Also keep in mind that Perl installs interpreter
sourcecode, what exactly do you imagine for FPC? compiled libs, source?
How do you deal with versioning?
Right. That's what perl does. We should do the same thing. Then compile it into a library that we can use.

I don't understand what you really want to add. The perl reference is next
to useless. Please be more descriptive.
The typical scenario is this... need a library for say ... blowfish encryption...

Run the package-manager fppkg ... search for blowfish... find the package... download it... compile it... and have it available.

we end up with the following files in our directories...

               /source - blowfish.pas

The issue is more about platform independance and download size. By distributing packages in source code and compiling them after download, it means quicker downloads and less time recompiling the whole of lazararus just to add in a new package.

How is this different than e.g. fppkg ?
Things we need to look at :

- a central code/libary repository ie like cpan

Well, I actually don't know that, but it could be yes. But that would
require "library packages" like Delphi has and is far off. Further, it is
pretty unrelated to the source packaging system.
Not sure why...but I accept what you say... everything takes time...
As far as I am aware, it is only a matter of changing the command line parameters when ld is being called, and ensuring that all the libraries that are being linked against are in the correct directories.

_IF_ you have a valid librarypackaging system (shared lib generation on
pascal level) system. But this is maybe as big as a change as e.g. adding a
ELF internal linker.
I wish I had more time to look into this.

Maybe I might have to see how it works for myself.


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