On Tue, 11 Sep 2007 12:12:29 +0200
Tiziano_mk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm trying to make a simple program that I want to put under the
> Tools menu, configured with the Tools|Configure custom tools...
> command.
> All works nicely, but the output of my tool does not appear in the 
> Messages window. Note that the messages are there, since I can copy
> all and hidden messages to clipboard.
> It seems to me that if I check the "Scan output for Free Pascal
> Compiler messages" checkbox this should happen.
> Am I missing something important?

All messages are filtered and only the hints/warnings/errors are shown.
Maybe a checkbox is needed to show all messages.

> (Lazarus 0.9.22 - FPC 2.0.4 - Windows i386 platform)


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