From: "Michael Van Canneyt">
Your original question was not very clear: AllocateHwnd simply doesn't
make sense on other systems than Windows. You should specify why you
need it. After that, we can try to present you with an alternative.

If the idea is to do communication with another process,
(indeed, a HWnd is often abused for this in Windows) then
SimpleIPC may be the answer.


You're right. AllocateHWnd is mostly used for communications.

Since I am new to Linux, clarifications to the following would shed more light on cross platform programming:

1- Do widget sets other than win use a message loop? If no, how is communication done?

2- I have successfully sent string messages using SimpleIPC. How can we send message records without creating a stream every time a message is to be sent or received?

3- What is the most effective substitute to TlsAlloc (thread local storage allocation)?

4- How can a component method know if it is executing in the main process thread? On windows, GetWindowThreadProcessID( Application.MainForm.Handle, nil ) = GetCurrentThreadID does it.

Note that the above relate to component programming, not application programming, where the programmer has no control on the program itself.

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