Hi All,
 I am making some progress with Lazarus. It is a great tool and hope to learn 
it well. I have a problem when trying to connect to MySQL 4.1. I used some of 
the code from the tutorial essentially and I have the following code
MySQLConnection1.HostName := HostEdit.Text;MySQLConnection1.UserName := 
UserEdit.Text;MySQLConnection1.Password := 
PasswdEdit.Text;MySQLConnection1.DatabaseName :='mysql';
I stepped through each of the MySQL commands from HostName to Open to find out 
the problem. I encountered a problem when I tried to do MySQLConnection1.Open;  
and got the following error
Project Raised exception class 'EInOutError" with message:
Can not load MySQL library "libmysqlclient.so". Please check your installation.
I added the MYSQL41Connection, TSQLQuery, TSQLTransaction from the SQLdb tab in 
Lazarus. If I look at the Project Inspector, I see SQLDBLaz (>=1.0) as a 
Required Package.
I am not sure how to proceed. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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