Giuliano Colla wrote:
> I resumed after some time our core application which I'm trying to
> migrate to Lazarus, and to my dismay I discovered that align doesn't
> work anymore as it should and used to.
> I have a panel with a number of widget. Two are top aligned, the others
> are bottom aligned. But setting alTop to one of them, instead of being
> stacked below the two already there, it goes on top of them.
> I tried to trace back in revision, and I found that the last that works
> properly is r 12699.
> The offending code is in, procedure
> TWinControl.CreateControlList where the implementation of r 12699
> provides the correct alignement, while the implementation of r 12700
> does not.
> Just replacing the expressions in "case AAlign" with the previous ones
> the behavior becomes correct again.
> I don't submit a patch, because I'm unsure of other implications.

A workaround I've found is to set the first component's .Top property to
0 and then then next component down to 10 and so on. Using this in
combination of alTop works for me.


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