On 12/12/2007, Swen Heinig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> if you do step1 then step2 is automatically done (no additional work for
> you). There is the same situation for step4 and step3 (if you connect to
> the database the transaction is automatically set).

To make sure I'm not going nuts I tried it again. I redid Step 1 in a
new form. I selected the IBConnection1 in the Database property of
TSQLTransaction.  Then clicked on IBConnection1 and the link from the
TIBConnection to TSQLTransaction (Transaction property) is not setup

Here is the code generated in the .lfm file.

  object IBConnection1: TIBConnection
    left = 73
    top = 17
  object SQLTransaction1: TSQLTransaction
    Database = IBConnection1
    left = 125
    top = 20

I have to follow all steps mentioned in my first email otherwise I
keep getting error messages when I try and set the database components

I got a Lazarus svn update this morning. I'm using r13293.

  - Graeme -

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