Sorry, there was a misunderstanding from my side. If you do step2 then
step1 is automatically done (thats the correct way).


Graeme Geldenhuys schrieb:
> On 12/12/2007, Swen Heinig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> if you do step1 then step2 is automatically done (no additional work for
>> you). There is the same situation for step4 and step3 (if you connect to
>> the database the transaction is automatically set).
> To make sure I'm not going nuts I tried it again. I redid Step 1 in a
> new form. I selected the IBConnection1 in the Database property of
> TSQLTransaction.  Then clicked on IBConnection1 and the link from the
> TIBConnection to TSQLTransaction (Transaction property) is not setup
> automatically.
> Here is the code generated in the .lfm file.
>   object IBConnection1: TIBConnection
>     left = 73
>     top = 17
>   end
>   object SQLTransaction1: TSQLTransaction
>     Database = IBConnection1
>     left = 125
>     top = 20
>   end
> I have to follow all steps mentioned in my first email otherwise I
> keep getting error messages when I try and set the database components
> active.
> I got a Lazarus svn update this morning. I'm using r13293.
> Regards,
>   - Graeme -
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