On Thu, Dec 20, 2007 at 08:33:53PM +0700, Paul Ishenin wrote:
> Lukas Gradl wrote:
>> For Zeos and Indy I disagree - there are working DB-Components in the 
>> standard-set and socket programming is nothing for a beginner.
> iirc, both zeos and indy are non-visual components, so I think you can ask 
> fpc team to add them to their packages - then lazarus will only have 
> lazarus package file and nice component icons to integrate that fpc 
> packages to ide.

Indy has designtime components and at least one property editor.  A good
solution still has to be found.

IMHO Indy should be included in FPC (with some minimal designtime pkg in
Lazsrus), but I was overruled by the other fpc devels.

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