On Jan 16, 2008, at 12:42 PM, Vincent Snijders wrote:

Damien Gerard schreef:
For Laurent ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) :
Here are some suggestions.

<snipped a lot of suggestions>

In fact I think I will stop here for now :)
May be I should make a patch for the PO file ?

Yes, please. :-)

Unless you are not sure about certain French terms yet and want to discuss them on this mailing list. I promise I won't join in ;-).

In fact I am not :)

For the word "Identifier", it seems "Identifiant" would be more appropriated, rather than "Identificateur". Other colleagues of mine conform it. In fact "Identificateur" is not the good word, like "Programmateur" instead of "Programmeur" for a programer.

What do french people of lazarus think about it ? :)

Damien Gerard

Le temps n'a pas d'importance. Seul le code est important
   -- (f00ty)

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