> Is there, by any chance, anyone around here using the Openfire Jabber 
> server ?

Yes;  we've been using JIVE/Wildfire/OpenFire with LDAP for years.  An
excellent IM server.

> I've done a group in LDAP, but apparently Openfire is not recognizing it:
> Is there something wrong with this: ?
> # All Group
> dn: uid=all,ou=tim,ou=accounts,dc=telbit,dc=pt
> objectClass: top
> objectClass: groupOfNames
> objectClass: uidObject
> cn: All from Telbit
> uid: all
> description: All Users
> member: uid=manel
> member: uid=maria
> member: uid=augusto
> member: uid=reis
> (etc...)

Is the DN of your user's really "uid=manel"?  Again, I think you are
failing to understand the fundamental structure of LDAP.  Please read
documentation  (Nah;  as someone who writes documentation for users to
ignore... remove the "Please").

Here is a group:
dn: cn=cis,ou=Groups,ou=JIVE,ou=SubSystems,o=Morrison Industries,c=US
cn: cis
description: CIS/IT Department
objectClass: groupOfNames
objectClass: top
objectClass: opengroupwareentity
businessCategory: jiveGroup
owner: cn=Adam
opengroupwareid: 11530
member: cn=Adam Williams,ou=People,ou=Entities,ou=SAM,o=Morrison
member: cn=Richard Hopkins,ou=People,ou=Entities,ou=SAM,o=Morrison
member: cn=Steve VanderZouwen,ou=People,ou=Entities,ou=SAM,o=Morrison

(E-mail is wrapping some long lines)

Also your {openfile|wildfire|jive}.xml file has to be configured
appropriately, with something *like*:

All of which is very well documented.

I've also done a presentation on OpenFire (back two names ago, when it
was called JIVE [a much cooler name]) -

But I suspect your real problem is that you don't understand the basics
of LDAP.

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