
Is there, by any chance, anyone around here using the Openfire Jabber server ?

I've done a group in LDAP, but apparently Openfire is not recognizing it:

Is there something wrong with this: ?

# Grupos do TIM
dn: ou=tim,ou=accounts,dc=telbit,dc=pt
objectClass: organizationalUnit
description: Grupo de Futebol
ou: tim

# All Group
dn: uid=all,ou=tim,ou=accounts,dc=telbit,dc=pt
objectClass: top
objectClass: groupOfNames
objectClass: uidObject
cn: All from Telbit
uid: all
description: All Users
member: uid=manel
member: uid=maria
member: uid=augusto
member: uid=reis

:wq! Mário Gamito

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