I am trying to use openLdap for the first time. I have Ldap set up with a
number of entries in the database. Now I am trying to do an LDAP search
base on an attribute that is a printable string in the form of hex pairs.

Attributte etokenID: 24 9c 9f 06 29 16

My search statement is such:

 ldapsearch -x -h shib.cns.utoronto.ca  -b
'dc=adminauth,dc=utoronto,dc=ca' "(etokensmartcardid=24 9c 9f 06 29 16)"

This returns 0 records when searched for even though there are two records
in the database with such attributtes and one with the exact ID shown

On the other hand when I use the search string:
 ldapsearch -x -h shib.cns.utoronto.ca  -b
'dc=adminauth,dc=utoronto,dc=ca' "(etokensmartcardid=*)"

The search returns two records. This leads me to believe that I am somehow
entering the strings incorrectly into the database.

Any wisdom?

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