Hi folks,

While this note isn't specifically about Open Source software, I think the direction the church is going with its family history work is definitely in the open spirit of the Internet (and Open Source), and wanted to make folks aware of some recent announcements by the church.

At a recent genealogical conference, the church announced it is underway to digitize all 2 million+ microfilms in the Granite Mountain Vault. The church believes it can do this within 6 years (!). Even better, if I understand correctly, they are planning on making all these images available online.

The church also plans to extract and index all the information on these images (Can you imagine being able to search by keyword through all 2 million of those microfilms?! It gives me chills to think about that!) It has started a new project called FamilySearch Indexing (ldsindexing.org). This will allow volunteers worldwide to use a Java client through their browser to view and extract information from the microfilm images.

If you're interested in participating, I'd recommned contacting your stake extraction director, who may be able to provide you with more information, and possibly with a login to be able to help out.

I've made a couple of blog posts with more links and info:


I'm very excited about this. In one presentation, the church alludes to the next generation of I guess what could be called PAF. As I read it, PAF as a stand-alone app will continue to exist, but the church is also developing a new application that will provide a centralized repository of genelaogical information, and which will allow collaborative means to provide and verify that information.

I thought folks would be interested to hear about this if you haven't already,

-- Dan

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