On Thu, 27 Oct 2005, Dan Lawyer wrote:

I'm curious in the groups feedback on a couple of questions.

1) Should the Church host/sponsor OSS projects for Church related initiatives?
Something like forge.lds.org.

That would be nice.

2) If the Church were to host such a site, what is the basic feature set
required to make it successful?

Code / file repository
Mailing lists (web-based forums optional)
project homepage hosting

3) What are the most interesting OSS projects the Church might sponsor or
facilitate? PAF for Linux/MAC, APIs to the new family history system and
related add-ons, etc.

I like the concept that Pat Eyler brought up, small projects that would be nice to have done, but which the church isn't able to devote time/resources to, such as tying Nagios in with the ticketing system.

I'm mainly interested in APIs for things like ldsindexing, the new family history system, and an API for the gospel library section of lds.org would be very nice as well. I'm not too interested in apps for Windows/Linux/MAC/etc, as more and more the web is the platform.

-- Dan
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