The church need not host such open source projects.  However, I think it would be a good paradigm for the church to look into for some projects.  When I was working for the family history department a few years ago, we had a missionary who was working on our project.  No reason that other people who want to work on projects should not be able to do so.  It just means a new mind set.

I do think that the church should maintain control of such projects.  There are still conspiring men who are seeking the downfall of the church and would love to do everything they could to hurt the church.

Also, I have started a project at sourceforge:

On 10/27/05, Dave Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I personally don't think the church should host such projects. There are
plenty of us here with the knowledge and expertise to start such an
organization. I do believe though that the church should release it's
code, at least what will not provide personal information about members,
and open up access to it's vast database. I think if the church did this
the OSS community would do the rest.


Dan Lawyer wrote:
> I'm curious in the groups feedback on a couple of questions.
> 1) Should the Church host/sponsor OSS projects for Church related
> initiatives? Something like
> 2) If the Church were to host such a site, what is the basic feature
> set required to make it successful?
> 3) What are the most interesting OSS projects the Church might sponsor
> or facilitate? PAF for Linux/MAC, APIs to the new family history
> system and related add-ons, etc.
> -Dan
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