On Wed, Jun 14, 2006 at 01:55:30PM -0400, Charles Fry wrote:

> The issues that bother me are:
> I constantly find myself cutting and pasting from the online scriptures
> into documents I am editing. Doing this with footnotes enabled is a
> trecherous endeaver, as the footnote letters get copied into the text
> which is pasted. I just noticed the "Hide footnote indicators" option,
> but that actually turns footnotes off. It would be nice to have an
> option (even as a default!) which turned off the footnote letters, but
> left the links. In my mind, the letters themselves are a remnant of the
> printed version of the scriptures, and are antiquated by the use of
> hyperlinks.

I agree with this.  Is there a reason for the letters any longer?  They
get in the way, and make the spacing between the lines uneven.  My
preference would be for the hyperlinks to exist with a subtle colour
change and no underline (without me having to change my browser settings
or impose my own CSS on the page), and for the "One footnote at a time"
option (which seems to have gone away) to be the default or even the
only footnote display option.

> The current display format is highly unreadable. It may be sufficient
> for reference, but it is quite ill-adapted for online reading. I don't
> know what the best solution is, but some possibilities include: thiner
> single column, multi-column display, paragraph format display. One could
> even display the scriptures in fairly thin columns, as is done in our
> printed scriptures, with scrolling (perhaps aided by Javascript?) to the
> left and right rather than up and down. At this point, I suspect that
> almost any change will more readable than the current instantiation. :-)

I rarely read more than a couple of chapters online, so I might not be
hitting the problems you obviously are, but when I read more than a
couple of verses I generally increase the font size such that there are
only 8 or so words per line then just slowly work down.  That seems to
work fine for me.

I wouldn't want more than one column.  I see no benefits to that.  Nor
would I want a column of some arbitrary width.  I'm quite capable of
selecting the width that is best for me.  I have a nice 24" widescreen
monitor set at 1920x1200.  I really don't need someone deciding I can
only use 800.  And the number of sites which pull that stunt is amazing,
but that's a rant for another day.

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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