The recent discussion about Troop/Youth advancement tracking and this
question about journal writing software for Windows have startlingly
refreshed my appreciation that the Linux masses and the Windows masses
are truly on different planets.

I don't think that the Linux masses truly appreciate, or perhaps even
understand, the extent to which Windows users are conditioned to use
the computer without mind focus.  Windows users really and truly
expect as a birthright that we should be able to successfully use our
computers to do amazing things even while our brains are half asleep
and we are focused on other things.

In my programming activities (in the Windows realm), I have slowly
come to understand and accept that my programs must be usable:

-After a 3-year hiatus
-On half my brain (in sleep-deprived, disinterested mode)
-With no planning
-On a fleeting whim

Perl, Apache, and Mediawiki are wonderful.  But you have to be honest
in asking yourself, "Could I get this going in Windows if I were
nearly apathetic, nearly focusless, and nearly brain dead?"  This is
no disrespect for any user; people are busy and have other interests
and responsibilities.  Even the Java Runtime Environment is pushing
the limit, I'm afraid.

I'm not sure who needs to change.  Is focusless operation an
entitlement for users, or is user focus an entitlement for authors?
But I know the divide is wider than our discussions seem to

Tom Haws 480-201-5476 v. MS Office:  Kids love OOo.  Wife didn't notice I
switched.  Get OOo free.
"There are many causes that I am prepared to die for but no causes
that I am prepared to kill for" Gandhi
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