The whole webservices thing is built on  It hasn't had a
proper release yet, but you can access my subversion repository at  It seems to work quite well for me,
and a couple of other people have reported success, but it will no doubt
need some work when a real client starts to use it.

Excellent!  I'm on your mailing list, and I've used it in developing  a gedcom parser app for my extended family before.  I'm very aware and impressed with your work!  I've heard about the webservices stuff - I'm excited to try it out!

At the moment it uses apache 2 and mod_perl, though I suspect this could
be changed without too much hassle if you wanted to.

Why would I try anything else? ;-)  My license plate does say "USEPERL" after all.


I recommend using svk for the version control since the repository is
sitting on a server in the laundry room (it helps to dry the clothes)
behind a wireless link and a cable modem, but any subversion client
would do.  (The server and link are actually quite reliable, but svk is
nice for offline hacking anyway.)  Let me know if you would like write
access to the repository.  The client doesn't have to live there, but
it's open to you if you would like that.

Haven't tried svk yet, but after Jesse Vincent mentioned it being integrated with RT I'm anxious to give it a whirl.

Again, it will be slow progress, but if anyone else is interested in getting their hands dirty with AJAX, let me know and maybe you can help push it forward faster.  For those not having done any AJAX that want to learn, might I recommend the Manning book, "AJAX In Action" - it really gets you in a good mindset for well-written AJAX code.



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