I raised this question on the mormonapologetics.org forum recently,
but it seems no one has a good answer on how to fix it.  I figure with
this list having so many at church headquarters, and other smart
people that have used wikipedia way more than I have, there might be
some good ideas brought about here.

My issue is it seems wikipedia is taking an anti-mormon slant lately.
Some of the critical items that this Church is based on have now been
seized by anti-Mormons to give an anti-Mormon slant to those topics.
The main example I give is the topic "First Vision".  Wikipedia seems
to mention account after account of the First Vision, almost to prove
the 1838 account in our Pearl of Great Price is wrong, without any
backing evidence to the contrary (look at fairwiki.org - there is
plenty of backed evidence from actual sources to the contrary).

One other example is the topic "Arianism".  Mormons are listed as
supporters of Arius on wikipedia.  If you think we actually are, I
highly suggest you research what Arius actually taught, as I really
don't think we want ourselves in that category.  Were he to preach
today I'm pretty sure we too would see him as a heretic as the early
Christians did.  I tried to remove us myself from there, even
including strong evidences and references as to why we shouldn't be
included, but it promptly got put back in, with no good reference as
to why we're included.

So, my question is - does anyone have any good ideas how we as a
community can fight back and get the *full* truth out there?  Is it
worth our time?  Is this something the Church needs to attack from a
higher level?  Are they aware of it?

If this is one of those items that we should just ignore, I'm fine
with it, but I figure this group would be as good as any to be put to
use in fighting such tactics.  What are all of your thoughts?



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