> >I'll try to get content uploaded this weekend, maybe even today.
> Great. :)

My site content is now uploading.  Everything should be there except the
kernel trees, which will take a while longer.  You can add a relative link
to cstein/index.htm from the main page for eigerstein...the content is
visible now by going directly to:


For those trying to mirror their content on the SF site, this is how I did
it using rsync:

First, setup an rsyncd server, which is easier than it might sound.  Just
run rsync with the daemon and config file flags, and give it a configuration
file.  Use something like:

rsync --daemon --config-file=/etc/rsyncd.conf

Your /etc/rsyncd.conf file should look something like:

uid = www-data
gid = www-data

        path = /storage/www/lrp.steinkuehler.net
        comment = Charles Steinkuehler's LRP website

uid and gid are the user/group rsyncd will run as

[lrp] is the module name (used later), and can be anything you want

path is the local path where your web files are located
comment is a comment :)

To see how this all works, take a look at my site by running:

rsync lrp.steinkuehler.net::

You'll see lrp is listed as an available module, with the comment so we know
what it is.  I have a few other modules configured, don't let that confuse

With your web content available via rsync, you can log into SF and grab it:

login to SF and switch to the leaf/htdocs directory
make your user directory
run rsync to copy your web files:

rsync -vrlt your.rsync.server::yourmodule/* yourdirectory/

The command I ran was:

rsync -vrlt lrp.steinkuehler.net::lrp/* cstein/

from the leaf htdocs directory.

-v be verbose
-r recurse
-l copy links
-t copy timestamps

I don't like to use the -a (archive) switch, as this copies owner, group,
and permissions, which I typically want changed.  With just -rlt, the files
are owned by cstein.leaf, and can you can control the permissions when
copying if necessary.

You can also run ssh and give it the rsync command to execute on the SF
server, so you can fire off an update from a remote system (avoiding running
a cron job on SF or the hassle of logging in if you want to manually update
your content):
ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] "rsync <options as above>"

You can also tell rsync to tunnel through ssh with the -e ssh flag, negating
the need to run an rsync server, but I don't like to do this, as my web
server is CPU bound (it's a 486), so the encryption slows down the transfer
speeds (using an rsync server, data is sent in clear text...not really a
problem, since you want people looking at your web files anyway).  If you've
got a fast CPU however, you can use ssh tunneling and run one less
service...do something like the following from your local machine:
rsync -e ssh -vrlt /www/*
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/groups/leaf/htdocs/directory/

The above ssh commands are easier if you copy your ssh identification key to
your home directory on SF, so you don't have to keep typing in your password
(this also lets you run update jobs from a local script or cron entry w/o
having clear text passwords hanging around).

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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