> >My site content is now uploading.  Everything should be there except the
> >kernel trees, which will take a while longer.  You can add a relative
> >to cstein/index.htm from the main page for eigerstein...
> Charles,
> May I remove the /htdocs/addons directory now?

Better not...I have made no changes to my site content, so all the 'fast'
download links point to these files on the SF site.  If you feel real
ambitious, you could change them to links to the files in the web area, but
that's going to be pretty tedious.  This will all get fixed when I re-org my
site so I can put the data stuff in the FTP directory area (which could take
a while).  If the several megabytes of disk usage by these files becomes an
urgent issue, let me know, and I can probably hack something to get the
files out of the addons directory.

> Charles,
> Great rsync info. It's saved for future use. Thanks. Should I create a FAQ
> for this?

Yeah, I love using rsync.  Please make a FAQ if you feel so inclined.  I'll
look it over and maybe add a few other tidbits...the coolest thing is once
you do the first sync, updates are nearly instant.

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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