> > It would be nice to have a general purpose programming language
> > available. I believe Dave plans to include Python as part of the
> > standard Butterfly disto.
> Worries me in two ways: extra size and giving anyone
> who does compromise the firewall a development environment.

Yeah, that's one thing about doing everything in shell.  Very few of the
advanced hacker tools will work with just a shell, but that means we get to
roll more of our own functionality...

I'm thinking whatever the firewall config language looks like, the parser
(at least for LRP/leaf) will be primarily shell, with perhaps a few special
commands (compiled...maybe added to busybox) to help with the parsing.

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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