Background, for those who haven't downloaded it yet:

Ladybug is based loosely on Oxygen, and the conversion from Oxygen to
Ladybug has proceeded with these tenets in mind:

1) The "idiot image" main system should be dirt simple.
        a) two .lrp's, root and etc.
        b) "the minimum" of system configuration files. In my dreams,
        that's two files: linuxrc and ladybug.conf.
        c) any package related configuration is going to go here, so the
        disk needs to have as much spare room as possible.
        d) Full support for packages isn't necessary. They need to be
        unpacked and backed up, and that's all.
2) Support for server hardware should be easy.
        a) RAID, SCSI, and so forth modules need to be available, along
        with all the config tools.
        b) a CD-ROM with all the support goodies and server packages
        needs to be available, or else you're looking at 30 floppies :-)
        c) a local harddisk is assumed, which the /var directory will be
        written to.
                c1) persistence of /var means lrpkg/ needs to move
3) Security should be as good as possible.
        a) only serial and ssh access are supported.
        b) out of the box bastion - it comes up safe.
        c) only local media supported for package load.
        d) packages updated and kernel patched.

Some of these ideas are no brainers, but others are tougher and I'd like
to ask for some help.

1-b) This is somewhat hard to do, given the progression from Debian
through a few versions of LRP to Oxygen. However, the work is 90% done
in the files that are up on my page. My question is, am I violating The
Unix Way(TM) by going this direction? Would tons of little config files
tied together with lrcfg menu be better?

2-b) If I'm assuming a CD-ROM and a box with lots of RAM, why not get
away from the glibc issue and use a newer Linux as my base? Pros and

3-d) Easier said than done.

Any ideas or feedback?
Jack Coates
Monkeynoodle: It's what's for dinner!

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